IT infrastructure is not just a foundation for any modern company, currently IT is a strategic asset, driving the business. It is very crucial that the IT infrastructure meets the needs of the company business.
In July 2019, the project on introduction of new IT management model and establishment of the Common Service Center (IT CSC) was successfully completed in the framework of implementation of the Transformation program of Samruk-Energy JSC. Establishment of reliable IT infrastructure, satisfying company business processes, is a complex task, that is virtually not addressable by own means of company IT department. Organization of actually reliable, high-performance and scalable IT infrastructure requires a large number of high-qualified experts and experience of IT infrastructure establishment.
IT CSC was established on the basis of Energy Solutions Center LLP and designated for provision of services for the whole group of companies Samruk-Energy JSC.
Energy Solutions Center LLP provides services according to international standards in the field of IT (ITIL, CoBIT). The Company has developed the catalog of IT services covering all IT-related processes.
The Company strives not only to provide services, but also to maintain a certain level of service quality: at least 95% (based on the SLA - Service Level Agreement).
Proper and competent management of the IT infrastructure is aimed at improving the reliability and cost optimization associated with the construction, modernization and maintenance of the infrastructure, which ultimately contributes to improving the competitiveness of the company.
The customer receives not only the service, but also such benefits as:
Reduction of the number of requests and incidents;
Reduction of the time spent on processing of user requests (minutes);
Increasing the rate of solution of requests and incidents;
Reduction of the time spent on solution of incidents (average time in minutes for restoration of 1 service);
Monitoring of execution of requests and ability of prompt receipt of statistical data and reporting on requests.