


We are always ready to help and support you

We act openly to create trusting relationships with colleagues and partners

We are ready to mentorship, preservation and transfer of experience


«Уәдеге бepiктiк»/YADEGE ВЕRIКТIК/Надежность

We are responsible for the smooth and high-quality operation

We are responsible to future generations and take care of the environment and ecology

We are responsible for creating safe, comfortable and competitive working conditions

We are committed to our obligations



We objectively assess the situation and act fairly in solving any issues

We apply equal requirements and provide equal opportunities

We value the opinions of others by providing an opportunity to speak out and be heard



We have diligent attitude to our tasks and enjoy our work

We are experts in our field, we perfect ourselves and achieve results

We look for various perspectives and apply different methods for increasing efficiency.

Hotline SK